New Paper Posted: Cartographic Miscellany from Cameos of Medieval Jewish Life from Majorcan Documents (XIII-XV c.)
Post date: Feb 27, 2012 4:16:46 PM
Cartographic Miscellany from: "Cameos of Medieval Jewish Life from Majorcan Documents (XIII - XV c.) by G. Llompart. English translation from: "Retazos de Vida Medieval Judía Documentos Mallorquines (s. XIII - XV)", Memòries de L'Acadèmia Mallorquina d'Estudis Genealògics, Heràldics i Històrics, 21 (pp. 21-24), Palma, 2011.
This paper adds additional information to the biography of Cresques Abraham.
Image: XIV c. medieval depiction of Jews departing the synagogue from the Barcelona Haggadah at the British Museum.